Ed Wilson's work can be found in collections both public and private. In 2014 (completed in 2016) the artist was awarded his largest commission to date. Spanning the entire width of the newly remodeled atrium of the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston Texas, the work hangs down 65 feet from a ceiling height of 92 feet and spans almost 100 feet across lit by multi-colored high intensity evanescent lamps.
"Houston artist Ed Wilson is just about finished with his monumental, mired-in-controversy, $830,000 "perforated steel bird and cloud forms" sculpture at George R. Brown Convention Center – a commission awarded by the Houston Arts Alliance – which will be unveiled to the public after a November 10 dedication.
He survived a rocky start, riding a wave of euphoria from winning the commission in 2014 only to see it taken away because of infighting between HAA staffers and the alliance’s Civic Art + Design committee. It's all good, though. He reapplied early last year and, in March 2015, Wilson won the award for a second time." (read full article here)
(Susie Tommanie, Houston Press, View a "Mini Me" of Ed Wilson's $830,000 Mega-Sculpture at Moody Gallery, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2016)

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016, photography credit Nash Baker

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016, photography credit Nash Baker

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016, photography credit Nash Baker

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016, photography credit Nash Baker

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016, photography credit Nash Baker

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016, photography credit Nash Baker

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, 2016

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center , 2016

welded stainless steel, 65ft. x 100ft.x 50ft., Installation view, George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston Texas, 2016

welded steel

Installation view, 1993 “Sculpture On the Green”, Omni Hotel, Houston

maquette, commission for City of Huntsville Texas 2017